
Welcome to Our Pricing Policy

As of early 2021, does not serve any subscriptions & is currently on a pay-as-you-go model. In a nutshell, it means that you only pay for what you buy.

Some of our products are free & in other cases, it is a one-time payment, no recurring fees.


Free & Premium

We provide both Free & Premium material on our website.

What does “free” mean?

All our products marked as INR (“0.00” or “FREE“) can be acquired at zero cost. However, you may be required to sign-up to login to our website.


What does “premium” mean?

We put a lot of effort to create a variety of digital products for our users. Every product or bundle (a group of products) which is not free is considered a premium item. They may have specific price tags, we advise you to read all product information in detail before purchasing.

Due to the nature of digital products we’re unable to provide any refunds (read our refund policy here)


What’s the catch?

There isn’t one. Our model is simple: only pay for what you wish to use.